IASbaba's Flagship Course: Integrated Learning Programme (ILP) - 2024  Read Details


MOTIVATION and TOPPER’S STRATEGY: Ravi P Meena, Rank 694, CSE-2016, First Attempt, 161 Marks in ESSAY, हिंदी Medium- IASbaba’s TLP Student

नमस्कार दोस्तों, मेरी इस साल सिविल सेवा परीक्षा में हिंदी माध्यम से 694 रैंक थी, यह मेरा पहला प्रयास था| इस परीक्षा की सही रणनीति जानने से पहले, यह जानना जरूरी है कि UPSC को किस तरह की अभिवृति(aptitude) वाले लोग चाहिए| मेरी इस परीक्षा के बारे में जो समझ बनी है, उसके आधार पर मुझे लगताहै कि अगर किसी भी अभ्यर्थी में निम्न गुण है तो, रास्ता बहुत आसानहो जाता है, जैसे- जिस भी भाषा में हम परीक्षा लिख रहे हैं उस पर बहुत अच्छी पकड़ होनी चाहिए, अभिव्यक्ति कौशल इस परीक्षा में बहुत काम आताहै| IIT कानपुरसे होने के बाद भी मैंने हिंदी माध्यम में परीक्षा दी क्योंकि मुझे स्वयं को अभिव्यक्त करने में हिंदी में बहुत सहूलियत महसूस होती थी, इसलिए माध्यम चयन का सबसे सही तरीका यही होना चाहिए|हालांकि मैंने आधी तैयारी अंग्रेजी में उपलब्ध स्रोतों से की थी| दूसरा, अगर अभ्यर्थी की स्कूल समय से ही सामाजिक अध्ययन के विषयों में अच्छी रूचि रही है और ग्रेजुएशनके दौरान करंट अफेयर्स आदि में भी रूचि रही हो तो भी बहुत आसानी रहती है| एक संतुलित, और तार्किक सोच होना बहुत जरूरी है| रटने की बजाय समझ विकसित की जानी चाहिए, और interconnected study औरविश्लेषणात्मक (analytical) सोचकी बहुत जरुरत है| एकाग्र औरप्रसंगानुरूपसंगतयानिto the point होना बहुत महत्तवपूर्ण है| और हाँ, मेहनती होना तो जरूरी है ही, परअपने लक्ष्यों को ईमानदारी से और समयबद्ध तरीके से प्राप्त करने की कोशिश रहनी चाहिए, जैसे कॉलेज में मेरी कोशिश रहती थी वैकल्पिक HSS courses (Humanities and social science) में उन्ही का चुनाव करूँ जो मुझे इस परीक्षा में मदद करें और उन्हीं एक्टिविटीज में हिस्सा लिया जो इस दिशा में लाभप्रद रहें| अभ्यर्थियों को उपर्युक्तगुण विकसित करने चाहिए क्योंकि यह परीक्षा ज्ञान और मेहनत से ज्यादा व्यक्तित्व की परीक्षा है, और यही कारण है कि कई लोग प्रथम प्रयास में निकाल लेते है और कई को समय लगता है| अबअध्ययन की रणनीति की बात करते हैं, यहाँ मैं उत्तर लेखन,मैन्स की रणनीति और निबंध और कुछ अध्ययन स्रोतों की बात करूंगा, कुछ चीजें जो छूट गयीं हैं उनके लिए मैंने एक विडियो शेयर किया है उसमें सभी महत्त्वपूर्ण स्रोतों की जानकारी दी है, आप यह देख सकते हो https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuR9Nzh9S9g. उत्तर लेखन:- मैंने IASBABA और अन्य ऑनलाइन प्लेटफॉर्म्स पर उत्तर लेखन किया था, कोई औपचारिक टेस्ट सीरीज ज्वाइन नहीं की थी, मेरी सलाह है कि आप भी पूरी श्रृद्धा और विश्वास के साथ ILP और TLP पर उत्तर लिखिए और बाकी लोगों के उत्तर रिव्यु कीजिए, अच्छे उत्तर की निम्न विशेषताएं होनी चाहिए- To the point होना चाहिए, संगतता बहुत जरूरी है| सवाल के हर हिस्से का उत्तर होना चाहिए| intro, body, conclusion सामान्यतया होना चाहिए, इससे जांचने वाले को सहूलियत भी होती है और आपकी अनुशासित और सुलझे हुए व्यक्तित्त्व की छवि उभरती है, हालांकि कुछ मामलों में सवाल की प्रकृति के अनुरूप इसरूपरेखा में बदलाव किया जा सकता है| बिन्दुवार या फिर पैराग्राफ दोनों ही रूप में उत्तर लिखा जा सकता है, खैर, यह प्रश्न की प्रकृति पर निर्भर करता है, तथापिमैंintro और conclusion को छोड़कर body मेंयथासंभव बिन्दुवार लिखने की वकालत करूँगा| flowchart, tables इत्यादि मदद करती हैं| तथ्य और अन्य आंकड़े उचित मात्रा में होने चाहिए ना तो बहुत अधिक ना ही बहुत कम होने चाहिए| और toppers की कॉपी उनके उत्तरों की खासियत समझने की कोशिश करें| २. आगामी मैन्स के लिए: इस बार prelims लिखने वालों को अच्छे परिणाम के लिए शुभकामनाएं| और जो लोग चयन होने ना होने की दुविधा में हैं, उनको मेरी यह सलाह है कि पढ़ाई जारी रखें, उत्तर लेखन का नियमित अभ्यास करें, और अखबारों पर अच्छी नजर रखें, क्योंकि UPSC की अनिश्चित्तता के बारे में कोई नहीं जानता, अगर आप अपने आप को बॉर्डर-लाइनपर समझ रहे हो तो समझदारी इसी में है कि तैयारी करते रहें, क्योंकि इसी तरह की दुविधा पिछले वर्ष मेरे साथ हुई थी और मैंने 1.5 महीने का वक्त बर्बाद कर दिया, वरना रैंक बेहतर हो सकती थी| 1. निबंध का अभ्यास अभी किया जाना चाहिए क्योंकि बाद में वक्त कम होता ही चला जाता है| 2. GS-4 के उत्तर लेखन का विशेष अभ्यास किया जाना चाहिए और किसी अच्छी कोचिंग की टेस्ट सीरीज की ३ घंटे में प्रैक्टिस करें, क्योंकि इसमें समय की सबसे ज्यादा कमी पड़ती  है| और अपने दोस्तों के साथ इसके उत्तरों पर अच्छी चर्चा करें यह बहुत मदद करती है| 3. बाकी के सामान्य अध्ययन के पेपर्स के लिए ऑनलाइन उत्तर लेखन या टेस्ट सीरीज से प्रैक्टिस करे, 4. अब कोर किताबें पढने का समय नहीं है, उन्हें बहुत ही कम पढ़े, बस जो आता है उसी का बेहतर प्रस्तुतिकरण पर ध्यान दें और ऑप्शनल आदि में जो कमी रह रही है उसे पूरा करें| 5. इन चार महीनों के अखबारों के सम्पादकीय सबसे महत्वपूर्ण हैं, उन पर अच्छे से चर्चा और तैयारी करें, और उनमें रटने वाले तथ्य आदि के लिए करंट अफेयर्स की मैगज़ीन आदि का सहारा लें| 6. प्रथम प्रयास वालों के लिए कि यह ही सबसे अच्छा प्रयास होता है, अपनी सम्पूर्ण ऊर्जा लगा दो| निबंध: निबंध में मुझे 161 अंक मिले थे, मैंने केवल ऑनलाइन निबंध लिखे और कुछ निबंध परीक्षा से पहले दोस्तों के साथ लिखे और उन पर चर्चा की| मेरी समझ के हिसाब से अच्छे निबंध की निम्न खासियतें होती हैं: जितनी ज्यादा विवधता संभव हो सकती है, उतने पहलुओं पर विचार किया जाना चाहिए| भाषा तरल और सरल होनी चाहिए, कठिन भाषा से कोई विशेष प्रभाव पड़ने की बजाय कई दफा नकारात्मक छवि भी बन जाती है| और निबंध केवलविषय पर ही होना चाहिए, मैंने अपना निबंध आपसे साझा किया है वो देख सकते हो| तथ्य आंकड़े और बड़े लोगों के कथन इस प्रकार समाविष्ट किये जाएँ कि बोझिल ना लगें| और इन सब बातों का सार यह है किनिबंध ऐसा हो कि जिससे आपके परिपक्व व्यक्तित्व की झलक मिले| हिंदी माध्यम के मित्रों के लिए अपने मन से यह पूर्णतः निकाल देना चाहिए की हम किसी से कम हैं या हिंदी माध्यम के साथ भेदभाव होता है, ये सब बहाने हैं| हाँ कुछ स्रोतों की हिंदी माध्यम में समस्या है उसके लिए कोशिश करके अंग्रेजी की चीजों से पढ़ें, IASBABA जैसी वेबसाइटों का अच्छा उपयोग लें, अगरयहाँ भाषा की समस्या है तो वैकल्पिक स्रोतों का सहारा लें उन्हें ढूंढें, थोड़ी मेहनत करनी पड़ेगी पर काम हो जायेगा|   IASBABA के लिए:         धन्यवाद,आभार, मैं कृतज्ञ हूँ, अपने इस अच्छे काम को जारी रखिये, ताकिदिल्ली को दूर समझने वाले, अपने लैपटॉप से दुनिया ढूँढने वाले लोग भी बिना मुखर्जी नगर आये, अपनी मम्मी के हाथ की रोटी खाते हुए IAS बन सकें|   Book list GS Preparation for Prelims (Summary) Study material / Guidance   Basic Books     M. Laxmikanth or DD Basu, Bipin Chandra or Spectrum history, TN board class 11th history and + new NCERTS for Ancient and medieval. 6th to 12th NCERTs for Geography. Eco. Survey for Economy. Current Affairs   Hindu, and IE + u can follow IASBABA summaries. Test Series   Join any good test series. I Solved IASBABA 60 day program also. Recommended IASbaba's ILP Any other   Solve as many questions as you can. And revise their solutions 2-3 times. GS Mains Preparation (Summary) Paper Study Material/Guidance Current Issues Source Answer Writing Practice GS Paper 1     NCERTs for Geo., BIPIN CHANDRA, new NCERTs for History and ART and culture and Sociology NCERTs.   Newspaper Indian express and the Hindu Write answers and get them evaluated from friends , fellow aspirants. Use online platforms as TLP/ILP of baba, Test series can be joined though I did not join any. GS Paper 2   DD BASU , my optional was PSIR. For IR I read V.N. Khanna, and some IGNOU material also,     SC judgments, RSTV discussion are very good, and summery magazines for current affairs ( IASbaba, GS score, and vision are good ) Same as for GS1. GS Paper 3   Economic survey + some lectures of Mrunal. Hindu  and RSTV AIR, Same. GS Paper 4     I read nothing so can’t tell   Try to connect the news with case studies. Wrote some answers online and  4 full papers and discussed with my friends.. ( 2 of GS score and two of Vision, purchased from Market.) Optional Subject Preparation (Summary) Study material / Guidance   Basic Books   V.N, Khanna for IR, O P gauba for western political thought, for indian political thought I read IGNOU. For comparative politics, O P gauba, and for IGP B.L. Fadiya and IGNOU for other topics, class notes of piyushchaubey sir. Current Affairs   Hindu+ IE+RSTV Answer Writing   I wrote some answers and got them evaluated from piyush sir. Any other   Nothing, I prepared in just 2 months with the help of piyush sir. सभी अभ्यर्थियों को दिल की गहराइयों से अशेष शुभकामनाएं :)  SAMPLE ESSAY BY RAVI PRAKASH MEENA आवश्यकता लोभ की जननी है और लोभ का आधिक्य नस्लें बर्बाद करता है| ईसा से 262 सालपहले की बात है, कलिंग के युद्ध में चारों तरफ खून ही खून हो गया, इसनेकई नस्लों को बर्बाद कर दिया, और कारण था सम्राट अशोक की यह इच्छा कि उन्हेंबड़ा साम्राज्य चाहिए| लेकिन उसी दौर में उसी क्षेत्र की फिजां में एक स्वर गूँज रहा था महात्मा बुद्ध का, जो अपरिग्रह पर जोर दे रहे थे, और कह रहे थे किआवश्यकता ही दुःख का मूल है| हालांकि, सम्राटअशोक को शुरू में इनका महत्व समझ नहीं आया, लेकिन जब खून बहा तो वेइस सन्देश का अर्थ समझ गये, और बौद्ध धर्म को गले लगाया, और एक बड़े साम्राज्य की जगह सुखी साम्राज्य की स्थापना की| मानवजाति का  इतिहास इस तरह के उदाहरणों से भरा पड़ा है, जहाँ आवश्यकता से उपजे लोभ ने नस्लें बर्बाद की हो, चाहे बड़े राज्य के लिए दुर्योधन की इच्छा से उत्पन्न महाभारत का रणहो या फिर नवीनसाम्राज्योंकेबीच युद्ध का होना रहा हो, आधुनिक इतिहास मेंप्रथम विश्व युद्ध इसी की परिणति थी और इसी तरह  उसके बाद हिटलर की बृहद साम्राज्य की आवश्कयता ने भीमानवता को मिट्टी में ही मिलाया है| वर्तमान में विद्यमान आतंकवाद और उससे पीड़ित विश्व के कारण भी यहीं हैं, पश्चिमी शक्तियों द्वारा तेल पर कब्जे और अपने प्रभुत्व को बढ़ाने के क्रम में पश्चिमी एशिया में हस्तक्षेप ने संघर्ष को बढाया और फिर इसमें धार्मिक पहलू के आने और सभ्यताओं के बीच संघर्ष के सिद्धांत ने स्थिति को बदतर किया| शीत युद्ध और उससे उपजे उन्माद, परमाणुओं की होड़, और मानव के विनाश का आग के गोले तक सीमित हो जाने के मूल में भी यही है| इससे पूर्व औद्योगिक क्रांति से उपजे पूँजीवादऔर साम्राज्यवाद के कारणों में भी लोभ ही था, और इसने अतिराष्ट्रवाद और उपनिवेशवाद को जन्म दिया जिसनेपूरीमानव जाति को संकट में डाला, विकसित देशों द्वारा कई नस्लों के आर्थिक राजनैतिक और सांस्कृतिक शोषण ने विकासशील देशोंके स्वछंद विकास को नष्ट कर दिया, और उन्हें अभीयुद्दोत्तर काल में भी बौद्धिक रूप से गुलाम बनाया जा रहा है, और इसके लिए अब नवउपनिवेशवादीरणनीतियां इस्तेमाल की जा रही है, जैसा कि घाना के राष्ट्रपति नक्रूमा ने कहा है कि “ नवउपनिवेशवाद नवसाम्राज्यवाद की अंतिम अवस्था है” इसके लिए विकसित देशों द्वाराबहुराष्ट्रीयनिगमों और और उनके द्वारा निर्धारित व्यवस्था और मानकों के माध्यम से यह सब किया जा रहा है| इसने विशव में उत्तर-दक्षिण विभाजन पैदा किया है और यह सबगंभीर भू-राजनैतिक संकटों की ओर बढ़ सकताहै| इसी कड़ी के दूसरे छोर पर, विश्वको आज के समय में पर्यावरणीय समस्याएं आतंकित कर रही हैं और इनका कारण प्रकृति का अधिकाधिक दोहन है, विकसित देशों की भौतिकवादी व्यवस्था ने इसको चरम पर पहुंचा दिया है, कईप्रजातियाँ लुप्त हो गयी हैं और कई होने वाली हैं, आने वाले पीढ़ीअपने पूर्वजों के कृत्यों से कितने संकट में रहेंगी इसका अनुमान भी मुश्किल ही है| महात्मा गांधी ने भी कहाथा कि “ हमारी पृथ्वी के पास लोगों की आवश्यकता की पूर्ती के लिए बहुत कुछ है किन्तुस्वार्थकी पूर्ती के लिए नही है|” इसके आलावा मानवीय संसाधनों के सन्दर्भ में इसने श्रम के शोषण सेअसमान समाज तैयार किया औरइससे बहुत सारी अमानवीय समस्याएँ पैदा हुई है| लेकिन यह दोहन केवलसंसाधनों के लिए ही सत्य नहीं है, जीवन के हर पहलू को यह प्रभवित करता है, जैसे आज की पूंजीवादी व्यवस्था में आवश्यकताएंऔर लोभ बढते जा रहे हैं, मनुष्य मशीनों में तब्दील हो रहें हैं, जैसे उनका उनके पर्यावरण से अलगाव हो रहा है, परिवार को समय नही दे पा रहे हैं साथ में पूजीवादीव्यवस्था में कार्य के विभाजन के कारण वे अपने कार्य को देखकर खुश भी नही हो पा रहे हैं क्योंकि वे बहुत बड़े प्रोजेक्ट के एक छोटे से हिस्से पर कार्य कर रहे हैं, मार्क्सिस्ट विचारधारा इसे ही कार्य से अलगाव कहती है, इस क्रम में जीवन में एकरूपता आ जाने से जीवनरसघटगए हैं, साथ ही इसतंत्र ने एक अघोषित प्रतिस्पर्धा को जन्म दिया हैं जैसे पडौसी की भौतिकवादी चीजों को देखकर दुसरे पडौसी का दुखी होना और उसकी अंधी होड़ में दौड़ पड़ना, इससे मानसिक तनाव बढ़ा है सच्चा सुख कम हुआ है,जीवन में संघर्ष बढ़ाहै वैमनस्य बढ़ा है प्रेम कम हुआ है, आपसी विश्वास कम हुआ है, ये किसी भी जीवंत मानवीय समाज के लिए अच्छी चीज नही हैं| और, इसका मनोवैज्ञानिक पहलू यह है कि मनुष्य को पता ही नही चलता और वह आवशयकता और लोभ के प्रति अँधा होता चला जाता है, और यह जीवन के हर क्षेत्र में दिखाई देता है जैसे एक व्यापारी धन के प्रति अँधा होता है,उसी तरह कुछ लोग अपने धार्मिक, जातीय और सांप्रदायिक विचारों को लेकर चरम पर पहुँच जाते हैं और अंततः द्वेष और बर्बादी हाथ लगती है| आज के समय में इससे उपजी प्रतिस्पर्धा ने बच्चों तक को नहीं छोड़ा , छोटे छोटे बच्चे मोटे मोटे बस्ता टाँगे, अपनी माता-पिता कि इच्छाओं को ढ़ोते हैं और उनके स्कूल के अंकों को लेकर अपना बचपन बर्बाद कर लेते हैं| इस क्रम में उनके सहज विकास और रचनात्मकता की जो हानी होती है वह कई बार अपूरणीय होती है| सामाजिक स्तर पर भी यह दिखता है कि लोभ के कारण सामजिक अपराध जन्म लेते हैं, अधिक धन कमाने की चाहत में एक पिता अपने बच्चों को समय नही दे पाता है, रिश्तों में दूरियां आ जाति हैं, सामजिक बुराई जैसे दहेज़ तलाक सब इसी के कारण हैं, यह लोभ ही होता है कि भाई भाई के बीच में वैर ला देता है, यह लोभ ही होता है जो व्यक्ति को इतना व्यस्त कर देता है कि वह ना तो बारिश में मिट्टी की खुशबू को महसूस कर सकता है और ना ही चांदनी रात की ठंडक को, और यह लोभ ही है जो फूलों को इत्र की शीशी में समेट रहा है आदि आदि| अतः यह स्पष्ट है कि आवशयकता और लोभ मनुष्य को बहुत नुकसान पहुंचा रहे हैं इसीलिए दुनिया के धर्म दर्शनों में अल्पसंग्रह पर जोर दिया है चाहे इस्लाम में जकात का सिद्दांत हो या फिर हिन्दू धर्म का “त्यक्तेन भुंजीथा” और दान का सिद्धांत| इसी तरह बौद्ध और जैन् धर्म भी कम संग्रह पर जोर देते हैं| हमारे समाज में कहावत भी है कि “ संतोषी सदा सुखी”,और इसी क्रम में यहाँ जन्में महापुरुषजैसे महात्मा बुद्ध , महावीर जी, गांधीजी, आदिने भी इसी पर जोर दिया, हिंदी के कविदिनकर जी भी लिखते हैं कि “शांति नहीं जब तक, हर भाग ना नर का सम हो, ना ही किसी को बहुत अधिक हो ना ही कम हो” इन्हींमूल्योंको सतत रखते हुए भारतीय संविधान भी समाजवादी मूल्यों कि स्थापना करता है, और राज्य के नीति निर्देशक तत्व में सामजिक आर्थिक न्याय की स्थापना करता है और एक  कल्याणकारी राज्य की स्थापना करता है| आरक्षण और कर प्रणाली यही सुनिश्चित करने के लिए है| अतःस्पष्ट है कि लोभ महाभारत करवाता है और त्याग प्रेम बांटता है, लोभसगे खून में दरारे डाल सकता है है जबकि प्रेमपूरी दुनिया को एक कर सकता है, लोभ हमको खुद से छीन लेता है और एक अंतहीन चक्र में धकेल देता है और जीवन को सुखहीन बना देता है, इसीलिए हम अधिक पैसे से नई नई लाइटें खरीद सकते हैं किन्तु सूरज की रौशनी नहीं, शीतलमंद समीर का सुखAC नहीं दे सकती, आजकलपैसो से नींद से ज्यादा चिंता मिल रही है, और फलतः इंसान भीड़ में होते हुए भी अकेला हो रहा है, लोभ की वजह से ही हम बड़े बड़े मकानों में भी अकेलेपन से मर जाते हैं किन्तु पहले लोग झोपड़ी में भी सुख से रहते थे, इसलिए जरूरत अधिक पानेकी नहीं, बल्किकममें अधिकखोजने की होनी चाहिए,और अंत में बाबा कबीर का यह दोहा जो इस सबके सार को कह देताकि- “ साईंइतना दीजिये, जामे कुटुंब समाये, मैं भी भूखा ना रहूँ, साधू ना भूखा जाए|”   MARK SHEET  

MOTIVATION and TOPPER’S STRATEGY: Ravi P Meena, Rank 694, CSE-2016, First Attempt, 161 Marks in ESSAY, हिंदी Medium- IASbaba’s TLP Student

नमस्कार दोस्तों, मेरी इस साल सिविल सेवा परीक्षा में हिंदी माध्यम से 694 रैंक थी, यह मेरा पहला प्रयास था| इस परीक्षा की सही रणनीति जानने से पहले, यह जानना जरूरी है कि UPSC को किस तरह की अभिवृति(aptitude) वाले लोग चाहिए| मेरी इस परीक्षा के बारे में जो समझ बनी है, उसके आधार पर मुझे लगताहै कि अगर किसी भी अभ्यर्थी में निम्न गुण है तो, रास्ता बहुत आसानहो जाता है, जैसे- जिस भी भाषा में हम परीक्षा लिख रहे हैं उस पर बहुत अच्छी पकड़ होनी चाहिए, अभिव्यक्ति कौशल इस परीक्षा में बहुत काम आताहै| IIT कानपुरसे होने के बाद भी मैंने हिंदी माध्यम में परीक्षा दी क्योंकि मुझे स्वयं को अभिव्यक्त करने में हिंदी में बहुत सहूलियत महसूस होती थी, इसलिए माध्यम चयन का सबसे सही तरीका यही होना चाहिए|हालांकि मैंने आधी तैयारी अंग्रेजी में उपलब्ध स्रोतों से की थी| दूसरा, अगर अभ्यर्थी की स्कूल समय से ही सामाजिक अध्ययन के विषयों में अच्छी रूचि रही है और ग्रेजुएशनके दौरान करंट अफेयर्स आदि में भी रूचि रही हो तो भी बहुत आसानी रहती है| एक संतुलित, और तार्किक सोच होना बहुत जरूरी है| रटने की बजाय समझ विकसित की जानी चाहिए, और interconnected study औरविश्लेषणात्मक (analytical) सोचकी बहुत जरुरत है| एकाग्र औरप्रसंगानुरूपसंगतयानिto the point होना बहुत महत्तवपूर्ण है| और हाँ, मेहनती होना तो जरूरी है ही, परअपने लक्ष्यों को ईमानदारी से और समयबद्ध तरीके से प्राप्त करने की कोशिश रहनी चाहिए, जैसे कॉलेज में मेरी कोशिश रहती थी वैकल्पिक HSS courses (Humanities and social science) में उन्ही का चुनाव करूँ जो मुझे इस परीक्षा में मदद करें और उन्हीं एक्टिविटीज में हिस्सा लिया जो इस दिशा में लाभप्रद रहें| अभ्यर्थियों को उपर्युक्तगुण विकसित करने चाहिए क्योंकि यह परीक्षा ज्ञान और मेहनत से ज्यादा व्यक्तित्व की परीक्षा है, और यही कारण है कि कई लोग प्रथम प्रयास में निकाल लेते है और कई को समय लगता है| अबअध्ययन की रणनीति की बात करते हैं, यहाँ मैं उत्तर लेखन,मैन्स की रणनीति और निबंध और कुछ अध्ययन स्रोतों की बात करूंगा, कुछ चीजें जो छूट गयीं हैं उनके लिए मैंने एक विडियो शेयर किया है उसमें सभी महत्त्वपूर्ण स्रोतों की जानकारी दी है, आप यह देख सकते हो https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuR9Nzh9S9g. उत्तर लेखन:- मैंने IASBABA और अन्य ऑनलाइन प्लेटफॉर्म्स पर उत्तर लेखन किया था, कोई औपचारिक टेस्ट सीरीज ज्वाइन नहीं की थी, मेरी सलाह है कि आप भी पूरी श्रृद्धा और विश्वास के साथ ILP और TLP पर उत्तर लिखिए और बाकी लोगों के उत्तर रिव्यु कीजिए, अच्छे उत्तर की निम्न विशेषताएं होनी चाहिए- To the point होना चाहिए, संगतता बहुत जरूरी है| सवाल के हर हिस्से का उत्तर होना चाहिए| intro, body, conclusion सामान्यतया होना चाहिए, इससे जांचने वाले को सहूलियत भी होती है और आपकी अनुशासित और सुलझे हुए व्यक्तित्त्व की छवि उभरती है, हालांकि कुछ मामलों में सवाल की प्रकृति के अनुरूप इसरूपरेखा में बदलाव किया जा सकता है| बिन्दुवार या फिर पैराग्राफ दोनों ही रूप में उत्तर लिखा जा सकता है, खैर, यह प्रश्न की प्रकृति पर निर्भर करता है, तथापिमैंintro और conclusion को छोड़कर body मेंयथासंभव बिन्दुवार लिखने की वकालत करूँगा| flowchart, tables इत्यादि मदद करती हैं| तथ्य और अन्य आंकड़े उचित मात्रा में होने चाहिए ना तो बहुत अधिक ना ही बहुत कम होने चाहिए| और toppers की कॉपी उनके उत्तरों की खासियत समझने की कोशिश करें| २. आगामी मैन्स के लिए: इस बार prelims लिखने वालों को अच्छे परिणाम के लिए शुभकामनाएं| और जो लोग चयन होने ना होने की दुविधा में हैं, उनको मेरी यह सलाह है कि पढ़ाई जारी रखें, उत्तर लेखन का नियमित अभ्यास करें, और अखबारों पर अच्छी नजर रखें, क्योंकि UPSC की अनिश्चित्तता के बारे में कोई नहीं जानता, अगर आप अपने आप को बॉर्डर-लाइनपर समझ रहे हो तो समझदारी इसी में है कि तैयारी करते रहें, क्योंकि इसी तरह की दुविधा पिछले वर्ष मेरे साथ हुई थी और मैंने 1.5 महीने का वक्त बर्बाद कर दिया, वरना रैंक बेहतर हो सकती थी| 1. निबंध का अभ्यास अभी किया जाना चाहिए क्योंकि बाद में वक्त कम होता ही चला जाता है| 2. GS-4 के उत्तर लेखन का विशेष अभ्यास किया जाना चाहिए और किसी अच्छी कोचिंग की टेस्ट सीरीज की ३ घंटे में प्रैक्टिस करें, क्योंकि इसमें समय की सबसे ज्यादा कमी पड़ती  है| और अपने दोस्तों के साथ इसके उत्तरों पर अच्छी चर्चा करें यह बहुत मदद करती है| 3. बाकी के सामान्य अध्ययन के पेपर्स के लिए ऑनलाइन उत्तर लेखन या टेस्ट सीरीज से प्रैक्टिस करे, 4. अब कोर किताबें पढने का समय नहीं है, उन्हें बहुत ही कम पढ़े, बस जो आता है उसी का बेहतर प्रस्तुतिकरण पर ध्यान दें और ऑप्शनल आदि में जो कमी रह रही है उसे पूरा करें| 5. इन चार महीनों के अखबारों के सम्पादकीय सबसे महत्वपूर्ण हैं, उन पर अच्छे से चर्चा और तैयारी करें, और उनमें रटने वाले तथ्य आदि के लिए करंट अफेयर्स की मैगज़ीन आदि का सहारा लें| 6. प्रथम प्रयास वालों के लिए कि यह ही सबसे अच्छा प्रयास होता है, अपनी सम्पूर्ण ऊर्जा लगा दो| निबंध: निबंध में मुझे 161 अंक मिले थे, मैंने केवल ऑनलाइन निबंध लिखे और कुछ निबंध परीक्षा से पहले दोस्तों के साथ लिखे और उन पर चर्चा की| मेरी समझ के हिसाब से अच्छे निबंध की निम्न खासियतें होती हैं: जितनी ज्यादा विवधता संभव हो सकती है, उतने पहलुओं पर विचार किया जाना चाहिए| भाषा तरल और सरल होनी चाहिए, कठिन भाषा से कोई विशेष प्रभाव पड़ने की बजाय कई दफा नकारात्मक छवि भी बन जाती है| और निबंध केवलविषय पर ही होना चाहिए, मैंने अपना निबंध आपसे साझा किया है वो देख सकते हो| तथ्य आंकड़े और बड़े लोगों के कथन इस प्रकार समाविष्ट किये जाएँ कि बोझिल ना लगें| और इन सब बातों का सार यह है किनिबंध ऐसा हो कि जिससे आपके परिपक्व व्यक्तित्व की झलक मिले| हिंदी माध्यम के मित्रों के लिए अपने मन से यह पूर्णतः निकाल देना चाहिए की हम किसी से कम हैं या हिंदी माध्यम के साथ भेदभाव होता है, ये सब बहाने हैं| हाँ कुछ स्रोतों की हिंदी माध्यम में समस्या है उसके लिए कोशिश करके अंग्रेजी की चीजों से पढ़ें, IASBABA जैसी वेबसाइटों का अच्छा उपयोग लें, अगरयहाँ भाषा की समस्या है तो वैकल्पिक स्रोतों का सहारा लें उन्हें ढूंढें, थोड़ी मेहनत करनी पड़ेगी पर काम हो जायेगा|   IASBABA के लिए:         धन्यवाद,आभार, मैं कृतज्ञ हूँ, अपने इस अच्छे काम को जारी रखिये, ताकिदिल्ली को दूर समझने वाले, अपने लैपटॉप से दुनिया ढूँढने वाले लोग भी बिना मुखर्जी नगर आये, अपनी मम्मी के हाथ की रोटी खाते हुए IAS बन सकें|   Book list GS Preparation for Prelims (Summary) Study material / Guidance   Basic Books     M. Laxmikanth or DD Basu, Bipin Chandra or Spectrum history, TN board class 11th history and + new NCERTS for Ancient and medieval. 6th to 12th NCERTs for Geography. Eco. Survey for Economy. Current Affairs   Hindu, and IE + u can follow IASBABA summaries. Test Series   Join any good test series. I Solved IASBABA 60 day program also. Recommended IASbaba's ILP Any other   Solve as many questions as you can. And revise their solutions 2-3 times. GS Mains Preparation (Summary) Paper Study Material/Guidance Current Issues Source Answer Writing Practice GS Paper 1     NCERTs for Geo., BIPIN CHANDRA, new NCERTs for History and ART and culture and Sociology NCERTs.   Newspaper Indian express and the Hindu Write answers and get them evaluated from friends , fellow aspirants. Use online platforms as TLP/ILP of baba, Test series can be joined though I did not join any. GS Paper 2   DD BASU , my optional was PSIR. For IR I read V.N. Khanna, and some IGNOU material also,     SC judgments, RSTV discussion are very good, and summery magazines for current affairs ( IASbaba, GS score, and vision are good ) Same as for GS1. GS Paper 3   Economic survey + some lectures of Mrunal. Hindu  and RSTV AIR, Same. GS Paper 4     I read nothing so can’t tell   Try to connect the news with case studies. Wrote some answers online and  4 full papers and discussed with my friends.. ( 2 of GS score and two of Vision, purchased from Market.) Optional Subject Preparation (Summary) Study material / Guidance   Basic Books   V.N, Khanna for IR, O P gauba for western political thought, for indian political thought I read IGNOU. For comparative politics, O P gauba, and for IGP B.L. Fadiya and IGNOU for other topics, class notes of piyushchaubey sir. Current Affairs   Hindu+ IE+RSTV Answer Writing   I wrote some answers and got them evaluated from piyush sir. Any other   Nothing, I prepared in just 2 months with the help of piyush sir. सभी अभ्यर्थियों को दिल की गहराइयों से अशेष शुभकामनाएं :)  SAMPLE ESSAY BY RAVI PRAKASH MEENA आवश्यकता लोभ की जननी है और लोभ का आधिक्य नस्लें बर्बाद करता है| ईसा से 262 सालपहले की बात है, कलिंग के युद्ध में चारों तरफ खून ही खून हो गया, इसनेकई नस्लों को बर्बाद कर दिया, और कारण था सम्राट अशोक की यह इच्छा कि उन्हेंबड़ा साम्राज्य चाहिए| लेकिन उसी दौर में उसी क्षेत्र की फिजां में एक स्वर गूँज रहा था महात्मा बुद्ध का, जो अपरिग्रह पर जोर दे रहे थे, और कह रहे थे किआवश्यकता ही दुःख का मूल है| हालांकि, सम्राटअशोक को शुरू में इनका महत्व समझ नहीं आया, लेकिन जब खून बहा तो वेइस सन्देश का अर्थ समझ गये, और बौद्ध धर्म को गले लगाया, और एक बड़े साम्राज्य की जगह सुखी साम्राज्य की स्थापना की| मानवजाति का  इतिहास इस तरह के उदाहरणों से भरा पड़ा है, जहाँ आवश्यकता से उपजे लोभ ने नस्लें बर्बाद की हो, चाहे बड़े राज्य के लिए दुर्योधन की इच्छा से उत्पन्न महाभारत का रणहो या फिर नवीनसाम्राज्योंकेबीच युद्ध का होना रहा हो, आधुनिक इतिहास मेंप्रथम विश्व युद्ध इसी की परिणति थी और इसी तरह  उसके बाद हिटलर की बृहद साम्राज्य की आवश्कयता ने भीमानवता को मिट्टी में ही मिलाया है| वर्तमान में विद्यमान आतंकवाद और उससे पीड़ित विश्व के कारण भी यहीं हैं, पश्चिमी शक्तियों द्वारा तेल पर कब्जे और अपने प्रभुत्व को बढ़ाने के क्रम में पश्चिमी एशिया में हस्तक्षेप ने संघर्ष को बढाया और फिर इसमें धार्मिक पहलू के आने और सभ्यताओं के बीच संघर्ष के सिद्धांत ने स्थिति को बदतर किया| शीत युद्ध और उससे उपजे उन्माद, परमाणुओं की होड़, और मानव के विनाश का आग के गोले तक सीमित हो जाने के मूल में भी यही है| इससे पूर्व औद्योगिक क्रांति से उपजे पूँजीवादऔर साम्राज्यवाद के कारणों में भी लोभ ही था, और इसने अतिराष्ट्रवाद और उपनिवेशवाद को जन्म दिया जिसनेपूरीमानव जाति को संकट में डाला, विकसित देशों द्वारा कई नस्लों के आर्थिक राजनैतिक और सांस्कृतिक शोषण ने विकासशील देशोंके स्वछंद विकास को नष्ट कर दिया, और उन्हें अभीयुद्दोत्तर काल में भी बौद्धिक रूप से गुलाम बनाया जा रहा है, और इसके लिए अब नवउपनिवेशवादीरणनीतियां इस्तेमाल की जा रही है, जैसा कि घाना के राष्ट्रपति नक्रूमा ने कहा है कि “ नवउपनिवेशवाद नवसाम्राज्यवाद की अंतिम अवस्था है” इसके लिए विकसित देशों द्वाराबहुराष्ट्रीयनिगमों और और उनके द्वारा निर्धारित व्यवस्था और मानकों के माध्यम से यह सब किया जा रहा है| इसने विशव में उत्तर-दक्षिण विभाजन पैदा किया है और यह सबगंभीर भू-राजनैतिक संकटों की ओर बढ़ सकताहै| इसी कड़ी के दूसरे छोर पर, विश्वको आज के समय में पर्यावरणीय समस्याएं आतंकित कर रही हैं और इनका कारण प्रकृति का अधिकाधिक दोहन है, विकसित देशों की भौतिकवादी व्यवस्था ने इसको चरम पर पहुंचा दिया है, कईप्रजातियाँ लुप्त हो गयी हैं और कई होने वाली हैं, आने वाले पीढ़ीअपने पूर्वजों के कृत्यों से कितने संकट में रहेंगी इसका अनुमान भी मुश्किल ही है| महात्मा गांधी ने भी कहाथा कि “ हमारी पृथ्वी के पास लोगों की आवश्यकता की पूर्ती के लिए बहुत कुछ है किन्तुस्वार्थकी पूर्ती के लिए नही है|” इसके आलावा मानवीय संसाधनों के सन्दर्भ में इसने श्रम के शोषण सेअसमान समाज तैयार किया औरइससे बहुत सारी अमानवीय समस्याएँ पैदा हुई है| लेकिन यह दोहन केवलसंसाधनों के लिए ही सत्य नहीं है, जीवन के हर पहलू को यह प्रभवित करता है, जैसे आज की पूंजीवादी व्यवस्था में आवश्यकताएंऔर लोभ बढते जा रहे हैं, मनुष्य मशीनों में तब्दील हो रहें हैं, जैसे उनका उनके पर्यावरण से अलगाव हो रहा है, परिवार को समय नही दे पा रहे हैं साथ में पूजीवादीव्यवस्था में कार्य के विभाजन के कारण वे अपने कार्य को देखकर खुश भी नही हो पा रहे हैं क्योंकि वे बहुत बड़े प्रोजेक्ट के एक छोटे से हिस्से पर कार्य कर रहे हैं, मार्क्सिस्ट विचारधारा इसे ही कार्य से अलगाव कहती है, इस क्रम में जीवन में एकरूपता आ जाने से जीवनरसघटगए हैं, साथ ही इसतंत्र ने एक अघोषित प्रतिस्पर्धा को जन्म दिया हैं जैसे पडौसी की भौतिकवादी चीजों को देखकर दुसरे पडौसी का दुखी होना और उसकी अंधी होड़ में दौड़ पड़ना, इससे मानसिक तनाव बढ़ा है सच्चा सुख कम हुआ है,जीवन में संघर्ष बढ़ाहै वैमनस्य बढ़ा है प्रेम कम हुआ है, आपसी विश्वास कम हुआ है, ये किसी भी जीवंत मानवीय समाज के लिए अच्छी चीज नही हैं| और, इसका मनोवैज्ञानिक पहलू यह है कि मनुष्य को पता ही नही चलता और वह आवशयकता और लोभ के प्रति अँधा होता चला जाता है, और यह जीवन के हर क्षेत्र में दिखाई देता है जैसे एक व्यापारी धन के प्रति अँधा होता है,उसी तरह कुछ लोग अपने धार्मिक, जातीय और सांप्रदायिक विचारों को लेकर चरम पर पहुँच जाते हैं और अंततः द्वेष और बर्बादी हाथ लगती है| आज के समय में इससे उपजी प्रतिस्पर्धा ने बच्चों तक को नहीं छोड़ा , छोटे छोटे बच्चे मोटे मोटे बस्ता टाँगे, अपनी माता-पिता कि इच्छाओं को ढ़ोते हैं और उनके स्कूल के अंकों को लेकर अपना बचपन बर्बाद कर लेते हैं| इस क्रम में उनके सहज विकास और रचनात्मकता की जो हानी होती है वह कई बार अपूरणीय होती है| सामाजिक स्तर पर भी यह दिखता है कि लोभ के कारण सामजिक अपराध जन्म लेते हैं, अधिक धन कमाने की चाहत में एक पिता अपने बच्चों को समय नही दे पाता है, रिश्तों में दूरियां आ जाति हैं, सामजिक बुराई जैसे दहेज़ तलाक सब इसी के कारण हैं, यह लोभ ही होता है कि भाई भाई के बीच में वैर ला देता है, यह लोभ ही होता है जो व्यक्ति को इतना व्यस्त कर देता है कि वह ना तो बारिश में मिट्टी की खुशबू को महसूस कर सकता है और ना ही चांदनी रात की ठंडक को, और यह लोभ ही है जो फूलों को इत्र की शीशी में समेट रहा है आदि आदि| अतः यह स्पष्ट है कि आवशयकता और लोभ मनुष्य को बहुत नुकसान पहुंचा रहे हैं इसीलिए दुनिया के धर्म दर्शनों में अल्पसंग्रह पर जोर दिया है चाहे इस्लाम में जकात का सिद्दांत हो या फिर हिन्दू धर्म का “त्यक्तेन भुंजीथा” और दान का सिद्धांत| इसी तरह बौद्ध और जैन् धर्म भी कम संग्रह पर जोर देते हैं| हमारे समाज में कहावत भी है कि “ संतोषी सदा सुखी”,और इसी क्रम में यहाँ जन्में महापुरुषजैसे महात्मा बुद्ध , महावीर जी, गांधीजी, आदिने भी इसी पर जोर दिया, हिंदी के कविदिनकर जी भी लिखते हैं कि “शांति नहीं जब तक, हर भाग ना नर का सम हो, ना ही किसी को बहुत अधिक हो ना ही कम हो” इन्हींमूल्योंको सतत रखते हुए भारतीय संविधान भी समाजवादी मूल्यों कि स्थापना करता है, और राज्य के नीति निर्देशक तत्व में सामजिक आर्थिक न्याय की स्थापना करता है और एक  कल्याणकारी राज्य की स्थापना करता है| आरक्षण और कर प्रणाली यही सुनिश्चित करने के लिए है| अतःस्पष्ट है कि लोभ महाभारत करवाता है और त्याग प्रेम बांटता है, लोभसगे खून में दरारे डाल सकता है है जबकि प्रेमपूरी दुनिया को एक कर सकता है, लोभ हमको खुद से छीन लेता है और एक अंतहीन चक्र में धकेल देता है और जीवन को सुखहीन बना देता है, इसीलिए हम अधिक पैसे से नई नई लाइटें खरीद सकते हैं किन्तु सूरज की रौशनी नहीं, शीतलमंद समीर का सुखAC नहीं दे सकती, आजकलपैसो से नींद से ज्यादा चिंता मिल रही है, और फलतः इंसान भीड़ में होते हुए भी अकेला हो रहा है, लोभ की वजह से ही हम बड़े बड़े मकानों में भी अकेलेपन से मर जाते हैं किन्तु पहले लोग झोपड़ी में भी सुख से रहते थे, इसलिए जरूरत अधिक पानेकी नहीं, बल्किकममें अधिकखोजने की होनी चाहिए,और अंत में बाबा कबीर का यह दोहा जो इस सबके सार को कह देताकि- “ साईंइतना दीजिये, जामे कुटुंब समाये, मैं भी भूखा ना रहूँ, साधू ना भूखा जाए|”   MARK SHEET  

IASbaba’s Daily Current Affairs 5th July, 2017

IASbaba’s Daily Current Affairs – 5th July 2017 Archives NATIONAL TOPIC: General Studies 1 Social empowerment General Studies 2 Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation. Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and States and the performance of these schemes Lynching/Mob violence: Article 21 at stake Background: Over the past two years or so we have seen a rising tide of violence, mainly in northern India, against Dalits and Muslims. This has revolved around the treatment of the cow. Indians have been physically attacked by rampaging mobs accusing them of storing beef or transporting cows for slaughter. Recent events: The lynching of police officer Mohammad Ayub Pandit in Srinagar’s Jama Masjid is a horrific new low. The deputy superintendent of police, who was on security duty at the mosque on the packed special night of Shab-e-Qadr prayers, was stoned and beaten to death, and his clothes torn off his body. He died on the spot. That a crowd of apparent worshippers was able to kill a person inside a mosque during the holy month speaks of a breakdown of the moral compass. Recently 15-year-old Junaid Khan was stabbed to death on board a Delhi-Mathura train last week as he headed home to Ballabhgarh after Eid shopping, by a group of men who hurled religious slurs at him. Zahid Rasool Bhat, 16 years old, a student of Class 10, the first member of his family to go to high school, succumbed to injuries sustained during a petrol bomb attack on the truck he was riding in Udhampur, by a mob that suspected him of transporting cattle/beef in October the same year. Mohammad Akhlaq was lynched in Delhi’s backyard in Dadri, on suspicion of storing beef in September 2015. On June 28, aroused citizens across the country gathered to protest against this violence under the banner ‘Not In My Name’. It is the most significant protest against intolerance that we have witnessed so far. About the right to life: Granted by Article 21 of the Fundamental Rights Chapter of the Constitution it states explicitly that no person shall be deprived of her life or personal liberty, save by procedure established by law. In 1950, the Supreme Court, in the case of A.K. Gopalan vs the State of Madras , interpreted the phrase “procedure established by law” as any procedure laid down in a statute enacted by a competent legislature. For 23 years, the court did not interpret the right to life as a principle of natural justice, but as a fragile right that could be taken away by arbitrary legislation. In the Maneka Gandhi case (1977), the court ruled that the right to life had to be read along with the right to equality and the right to freedom, granted by Articles 14 and 19 of the Fundamental Rights Chapter. Any procedure that could possibly infringe on the right to life and personal liberty had to be right, just, and fair, and not arbitrary, fanciful and oppressive. The court would decide whether a procedure is just. Issues: In the two years since, incidents of mob justice have come to light time and again. The state response has been conspicuously lacking more often than not. The situation is deplorable both for the cumulative effect on the moral life of the nation. It sends a troubling message about the state’s abilities and prerogatives. The majoritarian nature of many of the lynchings, perpetrated by self-styled gau rakshaks. Cow protection has been a symbol in these incidents—a means of acting against the victims for reasons that have to do either with religion or caste. Muslims and Dalits have been targeted repeatedly on the flimsiest of pretexts. A weak response: After Mohammad Akhlaq was murdered in Dadri, a minister attended the funeral of one of the alleged assailants who later died naturally, and the casket containing the alleged assailant’s body was draped with the tricolour. Rajasthan’s chief minister, Vasundhara Raje, waited three weeks before warning cow vigilantes after Pehlu Khan’s murder in Alwar. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has spoken against such incidents, but in less than categorical terms, and often after several days, unlike the alacrity with which he responds to terrorist attacks abroad. What has led to such intolearnce? The judiciary—the bulwark of a liberal democratic state—has not always played its role adequately. In many of the instances of mob violence over the past few years, the law and order machinery was either present but stood by, or failed to respond adequately in the aftermath. And when the government of the day fails to respond to mob violence in line with Constitutional principles—or when the judiciary fails to uphold those principles—the state’s capacity to keep society’s worst impulses in check is further eroded. What needs to be done? Democratic citizens need to deepen protests, because lynching and murders are not random or isolated incidents. Perpetrators of violence must be punished, aspirant wrongdoers must be deterred, and civil liberties must be restored. If India has some claim to constitutional democracy, the sanctity of fundamental rights must be upheld. Police reforms—which have gone abegging since as far back as 1977’s National Police Commission—will help, whether it is by improving organizational capabilities or insulating the police from political pressure. Any concrete change will require political will to initiate reforms—and then to hold the law and order machinery accountable through transparent mechanisms when it fails to deliver. Governments at both the Central and state levels must share some of the blame for this. They have often looked away, and in some instances, been direct enablers, either victim-blaming or equivocating. Way ahead: It is expected of government to protect citizens from assault by fascist forces and he should mobilise the government machinery to do so. That law and order is a State subject is not an excuse and in any case most of this violence is taking place in States ruled by the Bharatiya Janata Party. It is clear that the civil administration code in India sufficiently empowers the district-governing authority to deal with the situations related to mob lynching. As vigilantism, often enacted while the police stand by watching, is completely unacceptable in a democracy, one would expect the government to outline in Parliament what it intends to do to eliminate it. The liberal democratic norms and structures in the Constitution are a mechanism to keep society’s capacity for oppression in check. After all, as Martin Luther King Jr pointed out, if “morality cannot be legislated, behavior can be regulated”. These norms and structures must be made effective by enforcing and regulating them. Impact of such incidents: Desolate cities will emerge because vulnerable communities, in search of protection, will migrate to ghettos overflowing with their own people. The fate of a ghettoised city is depressing. Residential exclusion narrows the cultural and political horizons of communities, closes off options, pre-empts creative mingling of perspectives and prevents solidarity. State will losse its legitmacy to govern leading to complete breakdown of law and order. Conclusion: India is besieged by terrorism emanating from within its borders, and this needs to be addressed with urgency. Else, the conclusion is inescapable: The lynching is carried out by the mob, but the mob is emboldened by the state. The state needs to protect the lives of its citizens. Many features bind us together: shared memories of a massive struggle against colonialism, the spectacle of and general enthusiasm for elections, love of cricket and fascination with Bollywood. The most important bond that welds disparate people into a political community is, arguably, constitutional democracy and the fundamental rights granted by the Constitution. These binding factors must be strengthened further. Connecting the dots: The State's legitimacy to govern is at risk with increase in incidents like lynching and mob violence. Discuss. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TOPIC: General Studies 3 Science and Technology- developments and their applications and effects in everyday life Achievements of Indians in science & technology; indigenization of technology and developing new technology. Artificial Intelligence: Solving human and social development challenges Background: A recent United Nations (UN) supported summit in Geneva, “AI for Good”, focused on the potential of using AI technologies for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. The speakers talked about the potential use of AI in agriculture, nutrition, education, health, poverty alleviation, climate change, disaster management, etc. What is Artificial Intelligence? AI is a set of computational tools that can be used to improve decision-making. It is the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. AI can play a transformative role in following sectors: Health and nutrition: The level of malnutrition and stunted growth in pre-school children in India is alarming. AI can help in following ways- Tracking the progress of individuals- In a project in Karnataka AI-based systems is being used to improve delivery of child nutrition programmes. While existing systems capture data about children, the Anganwadi worker gets overwhelmed with the quantum of data produced. AI-based systems can sift through this data and track the progress of an individual child at various Anganwadi centres in terms of their cognitive development and health. In addition, image-recognition techniques can help in early identification of stunted growth, epidemics and other health issues. This information can then be used by the programme officers to recommend corrective solutions. Integrating information from other sources, the AI systems can assist in the diagnosis of problems being faced—from drought to poor sanitation and inadequate supplies. Agriculture: Issues in agriculture like low yields, dependence on rains, high costs of fertilizers and pesticides, inefficient use of water, often depleting the water table can be resolved using AI. Precision farming using AI- Several start-ups in the US have used AI to develop “precision farming” practices, which lead to a more efficient use of inputs and higher yields. Sensors gather information about the condition and colour of foliage and soil moisture content. This information is fed to the system, which determines the amount of water, and fertilizer to be provided. It also specifies which part of the plant needs to be provided with these inputs. These systems have reported higher yields and reduction in agricultural inputs. Education: AI-based systems can assist students with their learning experience, especially in changing the form and nature of content to suit the student. “Smart content” is generated with text summaries, supported with related videos and simulations. AI can also help connect with students who are working on similar problems worldwide. The systems can ensure that learning takes place through frequent testing which can be used as feedback to alter the course content and trajectory. AI cannot entirely replace the human teacher, but an AI system can play an intermediate role by providing timely feedback to students and teachers. Smart energy: Artificial intelligence could help us be smarter about our energy consumption. Google and other tech giants have enormous data centres that require a massive amount of energy to run the servers and keep them cool. Google has used its artificial intelligence platform Deep Mind to predict when its data centres will get too hot. Cooling systems are only activated when required. AI has saved Google around 40% in energy costs at its server farms. Helping wildlife: As in the case of healthcare, being able to analyse massive amounts of data can transform wildlife conservation. For instance, by tracking animal movements, we can see where they go, and what habitats we need to protect. This study uses computing power to figure out the best places to create wildlife corridors for wolverines and grizzly bears in Montana. Wildlife corridors are continuous areas of protected land that link zones of biological significance that the animals can use to move safely through the wilderness. Challenges: As in case of agriculture, the use of such AI technologies in Indian conditions will need to consider much smaller land-holding sizes and the socioeconomic conditions of farmers. Some of the available AI technologies are expensive today. There are also ethical issues of privacy of data, equity and liability of actions. One of the biggest of challenge is - how do we keep the systems safe? Algorithms are based on data, so any change to that data will change the behaviour and outcomes. Conclusion: AI is in the middle of exponential growth and it has the potential to make game-changing transformations. The developmental challenges faced by India are also too big to be solved by the conventional linear approach. AI provides an opportunity for transformative solutions and India’s scale provides the possibility of rapid cost reduction of these technologies. Connecting the dots: Discuss how Artificial Intelligence can be used to solve social and human development challenges specially in the context of India. MUST READ EC's biggest challenge is parties use of tainted money Hindu Signs of a Persian gulf Hindu Going beyond cultural heritage Hindu The Saudi connection Indian Express Handling Pyongyang Indian Express An argument without Aadhaar Indian Express The quiescent volcano that is Rashtrapati Bhawan Livemint The rebirth of TPP Livemint Digital India- a double edged sword Business Line  

IASbaba’s Daily Current Affairs 4th July, 2017

IASbaba’s Daily Current Affairs – 4th July 2017 Archives INTERNATIONAL TOPIC: General Studies 2 Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests. PM Modi's visit to Israel In news: PM Modi is the first Indian prime minister to visit the Jewish state — the trip marks 25 years of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Indian and Israel. And for the first time, an Indian leader will not visit Palestine alongside. Historical background: India’s political attitude towards Israel was set shortly after Independence, when Nehru and Gandhi vowed to support the Palestinian cause, and rejected the idea of two nations based on religion. It took about 45 years to unlock the relationship — India established full diplomatic relations with Israel in 1992, days after the Chinese did the same. In 2000, External Affairs Minister Jaswant Singh and Home Minister L K Advani paid high-level visits to Israel. As defence and security cooperation picked up, in September 2003, Ariel Sharon became the first Prime Minister of Israel to visit India. When the UPA was in power, External Affairs Minister S M Krishna travelled to Israel in 2012. Modi met Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in New York on the sidelines of the UNGA in September 2014 — the first such meeting in a decade. President Pranab Mukherjee travelled to Israel in October 2015 — the first visit by an Indian President. A number of Ministers and parliamentarians too have visited Israel in the past three years. Significance of the meet: With this visit of PM Modi the Indo-Israel relationship will overcome the hesitations of history, and a strategic and political direction for the bilateral relationship will be set. In a major shift in foreign policy, New Delhi is de-hyphenating Israel from Palestine and is prepared to deal with the two separately and independently. While Modi’s visit to Israel is historic, but his skipping Palestine is a tectonic shift. It can be seen as a transformation in India’s traditional pro-Palestinian positions. Economic relations: Currently, trade between the two countries is modest—Israel’s trade with Turkey, hardly a friendly nation with a population 20 times smaller than India’s, is slightly more than its trade with India. Defence ties: Over the last 25 years there has been an impressive jump in defence ties — India became Israel’s largest defence client at least a decade ago — which constitute one-fifth of the bilateral $5 billion trade. Israel returns the favour by giving India equipment that no one else would — including radar and communication equipment and the Phalcon AWACS which required US approval (given in 2003), thereby cementing India-US ties. India’s military ties with Israel are older. India had sourced Israeli weapons during the war with China in 1962 and later, during the 1999 Kargil conflict. Terrorism: The PM’s oft-repeated phrase about India being a victim of terror has special resonance in Israel. Cultural links: Cultural and academic links between India and Israel are poor and shamefully under-funded on both sides. Way forward: For the long-term stability of the relationship, cultural links have to be strengthened. Many Indians aren’t familiar with Judaism. On the Israeli side, many youngsters now visit India after military service—but they see the country as a strange, exotic place. Hopefully, now they will also learn that India is a growing strategic heavyweight that has much to offer. Another important factor in bilateral ties will be the Indian diaspora. In Israel, members of the Indian diaspora have had limited success and, so far, no major impact on the India-Israel relationship. But this could be changing now due to India’s repeated invitation to its Jewish diaspora to play an active role in strengthening India-Israel ties. The government and industry should increase economic and trade relations as fast as possible. India’s big industrial conglomerates, which have a presence in every continent, must invest in Israel. Israelis would like India to take an even-handed approach towards its friend in international fora and perhaps stand up for Israel: Instead of abstaining, India could consider voting against anti-Israel resolutions at the UN; it could convince its non-Muslim neighbours to stop automatically supporting every anti-Israel UN resolution. India could play a calming role in the Middle East—for as its power advances, its voice will be heard more. Conclusion: A standalone visit to Israel will send a powerful message to the international community that India is no longer apologetic about befriending Israel. This would mean Israel opening up avenues of cooperation that are not available to any other country in the world. In practical terms, that would mean strategic Indian investments in hi-tech industries in Israel including military industry, cyber security, Nano technology, alternative energy, and recycling, and India becoming a partner in technology development and sharing. Connecting the dots: Prime Minister Modi's visit to Israel marked a tectonic shift in India-Israel bilateral relationship. Discuss. Discuss how Indo-Israel relationship has evolved over the years. Elaborate the challenges and prospects the two nations face when it comes to their bilateral relationship. INTERNATIONAL TOPIC:  General Studies 2 Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests. Stand-off in Doklam Plateau What happened? In June 2017 Indian troops intervened to block the path of Chinese People’s Liberation Army soldiers engaged in building road-works on the Doklam plateau, a strategically vital 269 square kilometre patch of Bhutan’s territory that Beijing laid claim to in the 1980s. Though no shots were fired, this was the first time that India used troops to protect Bhutan’s territorial interests. Furious, Beijing responded by closing access to Indian pilgrims seeking to proceed through the Nathu La pass on to Kailash-Mansarovar. What is the conflict: As for the location of the Sikkim-Bhutan-Tibet tri-junction, it is India’s contention that an agreement was reached in 2012 that it would be finalized only after “consultations” with concerned countries. The Chinese reiterate that, as per para (1) of the Anglo-Chinese Convention of 1890, the tri-junction is at Mount Gipmochi. Ever since Chinese and Indian troops faced off on the Depsang Plains in 2013, New Delhi has steadily hardened its military posture along the Line of Actual Control. In response, China appears to have escalated its pressure on Bhutan, seeking to persuade the kingdom that New Delhi’s long-standing security guarantees are not credible. Issues: The tri-junction stretch of the boundary at Sikkim, though contested, has witnessed far fewer tensions than the western sector of the India-China boundary. China’s action of sending People’s Liberation Army construction teams with earth moving equipment to forcibly build a road upsets a carefully preserved peace. Of the entire 3,488km Sino-Indian border, the only section on which both countries agree that there is no dispute is the 220km Sikkim-Tibet section of the boundary. This is because under the Anglo-Chinese Convention of 1890, the Sikkim-Tibet border was agreed upon and in 1895 it was jointly demarcated on the ground. That the PLA decided to undertake the action just as the year’s first group of pilgrims was reaching Nathu La cannot be a coincidence. During Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit in 2014 the stretch was opened as an alternative route to Kailash Mansarovar for Indian pilgrims as a confidence-building measure. Moreover, it came only days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s bilateral meeting with President Xi in Kazakhstan. The aim of the pressure by China is well known: To persuade Bhutan to cede Doklam, through which China has built a road linking Lhasa to the Nathu-La pass and is in the process of driving a railway line, for two other disputed enclaves. What might have led to the stand-off? The stand-off comes after a series of setbacks to bilateral ties. Delhi has expressed disappointment over China’s rejection of its concerns on sovereignty issues, and refusal to corner Pakistan on cross-border terrorism or help India’s bid for Nuclear Suppliers Group membership. In turn, India’s spurning of the Belt and Road Initiative and cooperation with the U.S. on maritime issues has not played well in China. The uptick in rhetoric, including statements from the Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister questioning India’s “One China Policy” on Tibet, and from Army chief Bipin Rawat on India being prepared for a two-and-a-half front war. India is also working with Japan, South Korea and the US to contain China’s power in the Indian Ocean, provoking warnings from China’s Foreign Ministry. The Chinese are probably hoping to drive a wedge between Bhutan and India and to break the steadfast support that each gives to the other. To recall, Bhutan was the only South Asian state that did not participate at the 14-15 May Belt and Road Forum in Beijing, along with India. Way forward: In the immediate term talks must focus on defusing the tensions at the tri-junction. China has made the withdrawal of Indian troops a precondition for dialogue. This would be unacceptable to India, unless the PLA also withdraws its troops and road-building teams. Apart from its own commitments to the status quo , Beijing must recognise the special relationship India and Bhutan have shared since 1947, the friendship treaty of 2007 that commits India to protecting Bhutan’s interests, and the close coordination between the two militaries. For its part, India would be keen to show that it recognises that the face-off is in Bhutanese territory, and the rules of engagement could be different from those of previous India-China bilateral clashes — at Depsang and Demchok in the western sector, for example. Bhutan’s sovereignty must be maintained as that is the basis for the “exemplary” ties between New Delhi and Thimphu. The Indian government has been wise to avoid escalation in the face of China’s aggressive barrage, but that should not stop it from communicating its position in more discreet ways. There is no question of India bending to Chinese “demands”, for like in 1967, it must stand its ground firmly. This is perhaps the only way to deal with a China that likes to flaunt its economic and military prowess. Conclusion: The boundary stand-off with China at the Doka La tri-junction with Bhutan is by all accounts unprecedented; it demands calmer counsel on all sides. These problems are mainly of Beijing’s making: Increasingly driven by hyper-nationalism, its foreign policy has excelled in the art of alienating potential friends. Yet, New Delhi must tread cautiously. There is little to gain from escalation, and much to lose. The issues have to be addressed through sustained dialogue. Connecting the dots: India-China relationship has deteriorated in recent times. Discuss. The Doklam plateau stand-off in June 2017 highlighted the fact that all is not well between India and China. Discuss the events which led to the stand-off and what strategy should India adopt to deal with China in this case.   MUST READ Organizing principle of lynching mobs Hindu Nothing learnt form history Hindu Open acres Hindu The delta miracle Hindu NPA resolution- A rough read Livemint GST- concerns of an ordinary citizen Livemint Dealing with GST's unfinished business Hindu  


IASbaba Press Information Bureau (PIB) - 19th June to 25th June , 2017

IASbaba Press Information Bureau 19th June to 25th June 2017 GS-2 Energy Conservation Building Code 2017 (Topics: Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation.) What: Developed by Ministry of Power and Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) along with technical support from United States Agency for International Development (USAID), ECBC 2017 prescribes the energy performance standards for new commercial buildings to be constructed across India. The updated version of ECBC provides current as well as futuristic advancements in building technology to further reduce building energy consumption and promote low-carbon growth. The code aims to optimise energy savings with the comfort levels for occupants, and prefers life-cycle cost effectiveness to achieve energy neutrality in commercial buildings. With the adoption of ECBC 2017 for new commercial building construction throughout the country, it is estimated to achieve a 50% reduction in energy use by 2030. United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) (Topic: Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests) Background The United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) is a multilateral treaty negotiated by member states of the United Nations (UN) It is promoted by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). It is one of several legally binding international anti-corruption agreements. UNCAC requires state parties to the treaty to implement several anti-corruption measures that focus on five main areas Prevention law enforcement international cooperation asset recovery technical assistance and information exchange India has a robust and time tested institutional and legislative framework including Prevention of Corruption Act An independent Central Vigilance Commission Central Information Commission Comptroller and Auditor General The Judges (Inquiry) Act A spate of legislations including The Lokpal & Lokayukta Act, 2013 Whistle Blowers Protection Act 2011 Prevention of Money Laundering Act Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Act At the Eighth Session of the Implementation Review Group of the UNCAC, India stated its commitment to tackle corruption and adopt a ‘zero tolerance’ approach as well as minimum Government and maximum Governance. UNCAC's goal is to reduce various types of corruption that can occur across country borders, such as trading in influence and abuse of power, as well as corruption in the private sector, such as embezzlement and money laundering. POCSO e-box (Topics: Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation.) What:  Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO), e-Box, is an online complaint management system for easy and direct reporting of sexual offences against children and timely action against the offenders under the POCSO Act, 2012. E-Box will help to maintain the confidentiality of the complaint. It is incorporated at the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) website. Child and sexual abuse According to a study, about 53% of children surveyed, reported having faced one or the other form of sexual abuse in their lifetime. In most cases, the offender is a family member/near relative or an acquaintance. The child victim in such cases generally does not report these offences. Result: The child faces serious consequences such as cognitive impairment, violent and risk behaviour including depression and anxiety, feeling shame and guilt with poor interpersonal relationship & self-esteem. POCSO Act The government enacted POCSO Act, 2012 to protect children from offences of sexual assault, sexual harassment and pornography. The interest of child is safeguarded during judicial process, by incorporating child friendly mechanisms for reporting, recording of evidence, investigation and speedy trial of offences through designated Special Courts. The Act provides for mandatory reporting of sexual offences. If the person is aware of such situation and fails to report so, he/she is punished with six months’ imprisonment and/or fine. Any human being up to the age of 18 years is recognised as a child under the POCSO Act. Minister of Power launches POSOCO-IMD Weather Portal for Power Sector & Web Portal ‘MERIT’ (Merit Order Despatch of Electricity for Rejuvenation of Income and Transparency) (Topics: Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation.) What: POCOSO- help State discoms better predict short- and medium-term management processes and supply planning requirements. Why needed? Day to day weather variations have an impact on load demand and energy production, transport and distribution management, as well as energy prices. Extreme events such as heat waves or cold waves, wind storms or floods can of course have dramatic consequences on the production means or the electrical grid of a country including physical damage to the infrastructure. The information available in the POSOCO-IMD Weather Portal shall help State Discoms to take pro-active steps. MERIT- help State discoms optimise power procurement in a more efficient way, leading to lower cost of power for consumers. Why needed? It displays extensive array of information regarding the merit order of Electricity procured by State(s) such as daily state-wise marginal variable costs of all generators, daily source-wise power purchases of respective states/UTs with source-wise fixed and variable costs, energy volumes and purchase prices. It will give information regarding reasons for deviation from merit order such as must run conditions, transmission constraints etc. GS-3 Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) (Topic: Awareness in the fields of IT, Space, Computers, robotics, nano-technology, bio-technology and issues relating to intellectual property rights.) What: The Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) is the largest trade organization in the world that represents the biotechnology industry. BIO holds a trade meeting each year in the United States, which are essential for the business development and partnering activities that are required in the biotechnology sector, in which it is expensive to develop products, timelines to develop products are long, and regulatory risks are high. The BIO International Convention is the largest global event for the biotechnology industry It attracts the biggest names in biotech, offers key networking and partnering opportunities, and provides insights and inspiration on the major trends affecting the industry. Background The BIO International Convention is hosted by the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO). BIO represents more than 1,100 biotechnology companies, academic institutions, state biotechnology centers and related organizations across the United States and in more than 30 other nations. BIO members are involved in the research and development of innovative healthcare, agricultural, industrial and environmental biotechnology products. The key benefits of attending the BIO International Convention are access to global biotech and pharma leaders. Waste Management Rules (2016) - National Productivity Council (Topic: Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, environmental impact assessment) What: In 2016, the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change notified the new Solid Waste Management Rules (SWM) 2016, replacing the Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000. SWM rules are for managing six categories of waste Plastic E-waste Bio-medical Construction and demolition Hazardous and other wastes Solid As part of Swachh Bharat Mission, the Ministry of Urban Development and Ministry of Environment, have launched a National Capacity Building Project in 68 Cities on the above rules and their implementation aspects for the Urban Local Bodies / UAs and various stakeholders in the identified cities. For this, National Productivity Council (NPC) under the Ministry of commerce will act as a programme coordinator for implementing Solid Waste Management Rules, in association with Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), which is the national implementing agency for capacity building project on waste management rules. The Capacity Building project seeks to Strengthen institutional capacities at ULBs and amongst stakeholders, towards collection, treatment, disposal and efficient management of various types and categories of wastes Promote 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) initiatives Disseminate good practices Facilitate integrated efforts towards achieving improvement in general health of city environment etc. In news: a Training of Trainers Programme to train and engage Waste Management Experts from various parts of the country to serve as Master Trainers is being organised at NPC Conference. National Productivity Council NPC is national level organization to promote productivity culture in India. Established by the Ministry of Industry in 1958. It is an autonomous, multipartite, non-profit organization with equal representation from employers’ & workers’ organizations and Government. NPC is a constituent of the Tokyo-based Asian Productivity Organisation (APO), an Inter Governmental Body, of which the Government of India is a founder member. 10th Anniversary Celebrations of Indo-Russian Partnership in Science and Technology (Topic: Awareness in the fields of IT, Space, Computers, robotics, nano-technology, bio-technology and issues relating to intellectual property rights.) What: 2017 is a special year for India and Russia as it celebrates the 70th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries. It was on 13 April 1947 - four months before India's independence - that diplomatic relations were established between two nations. In news: A MOU on the India-Russia unified technology assessment and accelerated commercialization programme was concluded recently. The MOU aims at facilitating support enterprises to improve their global competitiveness through international cooperation, innovative activities and technology transfer. Science and Technology cooperation between India and the Russian Federation has been one of the important pillars of the long standing and time tested bilateral relationship. With the sunset of the Integrated Long Term Programme (ILTP) with the Russian Academy of Sciences, the birth of the Department of Science & Technology (DST), India and the Russian Federation of Basic Research (RFBR) programme on Basic Sciences took place in 2007. The initial few years of DST-RFBR partnership was a modest one, competing with the footprint left by the ILTP. However, the DST-RFBR programme emerged steadily and today it provides one of the robust platforms for bilateral scientific cooperation in Basic Sciences. PSLV-C38 Successfully Launches 31 Satellites in a Single Flight (Topic: Science and Technology- developments and their applications and effects in everyday life Achievements of Indians in science & technology; indigenization of technology and developing new technology.) What: India’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, in its 40th flight (PSLV-C38), launched the 712 kg Cartosat-2 series satellite for earth observation and 30 co-passenger satellites together. The co-passenger satellites comprise 29 Nano satellites from 14 countries namely, Austria, Belgium, Chile, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, United Kingdom and United States of America. And one Nano satellite- NIUSAT, a University/Academic Institute satellite from Nurul Islam University, Tamil Nadu, India The Cartosat-2 will be used for cartographic applications, coastal land use and regulation, road network monitoring, water distribution, creation of land use maps, Land Information Systems (LIS) and Geograhical Information System (GIS) applications.

MOTIVATION and TOPPER’S STRATEGY: Pawan K Pal, Rank 505, CSE-2016, First Attempt, Full Time Working Professional, 121 Marks in ETHICS, 156 Marks in ESSAY-PSIR Optional, IASbaba's ILP Student

Hello Friends, Every success story is unique and different in approach and manner in which it is achieved. But what is more cherishing than achieving the same in the very first attempt with full time job. Pawan's success makes it much more inspiring because of many reasons. This was his first attempt. He was working full time with Maruti Suzuki He prepared for Political Science and International Relations in less than 4-5 months He scored 121 Marks in Ethics and 156 Marks in Essay He was part of IASbaba's Integrated Learning Programme ILP-2016   We are really proud of him because he has given strength to our motto and vision of imparting guidance to aspirants preparing from Home specially freshers and working professionals. We wish you a great future ahead! Name - Pawan K Pal Residence - Panipat Education Background – Btech ( Mechanical) from D.C.R.U.S.T Murthal Company employed –Production Dept ,Maruti Suzuki India Limited, Manesar [ From 2012 to 2017] UPSC Roll no. – 0007348 Optional – Political Science & International Relations Attempt – 1st Rank – 505 With Summer Solstice raising the temperature of the Northern plains, there was a gamut of CSE aspirants waiting to witness their hard earned rank in the sacred Pdf. For some the list although came as a spring in this hot weather but for some it was a clarion call to buck-up and prepare for the pre-2017. With the information depicted above some questions are quite obvious, like: Why you thought of giving CSE so late – After 4 yrs of experience in MSIL Why you choose Political Science and International Relations How you managed time while working that too in Production Department Source of motivation To clear the clouds hovering around your heads let me give you a brief of my preparation. It is often said that after being frustrated of a 9 hr job, a person often tries Civils, CAT or Start-up. I choose the 1st one. The monotonous job of production never intersected with my ambitions and one day the longing to do something that suits my physical & biological capabilities got so empowered that I landed at Karol Bagh to search for a weekend course. It was Sept-2015. I never had any plan to sit for Civils nor I had any cravings for this most coveted job. But it was the option that seemed possible during that time (the Bandwagon effect with which most young population in India suffers for). I subscribed The Hindu as its printed copy was not available in Manesar.  After attending my office I had to rush to my class (from Manesar to Karol Bagh, Delhi) at 5 pm to 8 pm on Saturday and 7am to 6pm on Sunday. The schedule was hectic as 6 day working coupled with bulky books was very gruesome and I was in state of never ending confusion. Time passed and I was a part of hoi polloi that ate, drank, walked what they were taught in the classroom. But one training of Cost Benefit analysis in Maruti Changed my perception and I bought a Laptop to start a journey with my own Map. It was Dec-2015. From this onwards I never followed the coaching wallas and subscribed to IASBABA and joined ILP. With so many online initiatives and programmes it was really confusing to make a choice. Here the confusion ended and I relied totally on IASBABA whatever may be the consequences. The logic was simple – What you are doing that will make you stand out from a group of 13-15 Lakh applicants. The IASBABA programme was a boon for me as it gives you a time bound target with list of books to read. After that it tests you and you will feel the heat, the competition which is very much required in Civils. I never skipped any mail from IASBABA. The daily questions they ask were always a challenge for me. I tried hard to get all correct but never achieved that feat. Now, you will ask that how I managed to cover the vast syllabus. The answer is simple – I just followed the study plan of IASBABA and gave my tests regularly. I can recall that in first test I got 56 marks but in last test I got 152 marks. For the syllabus my plan was to read at least 200 pages daily. I competed Laxmikath in 5 days and completed my syllabus in multiple readings. NCERTs were treated like comics and Bipin Chandra was like a Shaktimaan story. I had read one interview of Mr Shashi Tharoor, where he told that he was able to read a complete book within his travel time from the Library to his Home. I was nowhere less than him ( you can feel the arrogance here). :P  Plan was made and the calendar was scrambled. The plan was to complete the whole syllabus plus 5 times revision. May-2016 was the deadline and June & July was the revision months. But here again that question cropped up in my mind – What you are doing that makes you stand out from the Rajinder Nagar wala group. Here again brainstorming started and I took Prelims test series of Vision IAS and Vajiram too. Here I joined Vision IAS Mains test series also (June-2016). Here I was mocked by my friends as I just started my preparation from the scratch and this decision of joining Mains test series before giving prelims was stupid for them. But I knew my Strengths and Weaknesses. Even if you clear prelims with good marks and you fail in mains it is again a zero sum game. My aim was to crack this examination in single attempt and for this it should be attacked from all sides.  I accomplished my plan which was to complete whole syllabus + 5 time revision. Meanwhile I gave 2 Mains tests of Vision IAS before prelims. After the above plan and solving over 100 mocks that means around 10000 questions I sat for Prelims on 7 Aug 2016.   For Prelims the key is Revision + Mocks. All NCERTs are must and Google should be preached like god for prelims. Quora is good for clearing the concept but never stop yourself from applying some common sense and logics. Never skip any content or questionnaire of IASBABA. The ILP here played crucial part for its effective planning, high quality VAN and tests and I give all credit for the result to IASBABA. After coming home I checked all my answers with the answer keys and I found that I am through. From the very next day I started writing daily. The Best part was when you complete your Newspaper by stealing some time in office and a mails comes from IASBABA with list of possible questions for Mains. TLP was a boon in this regard for its quality questions. I wrote daily and followed this simple strategy and avoided any confusion. But the dark clouds of Optional subject still surrounded me. One day I saw a motivational video of Varun Kumar (IAS) where he emphasized on how he randomly picked Political Science as optional and prepared it. This instilled in me a confidence that it is achievable. After being bored of reading Mechanical subject till February 2016 I switched my subject to Political Science & International Relation and after that I never looked back. Again same strategy was followed – Syllabus + 5 times revision Now the Mocks. I took some time when I started giving my pending mocks of Vision IAS mains because the format of your answer should be different and it should be attractive. Meanwhile I got test series of Sriram IAS and GS Score. Here I relied totally on Textual material because you can write a nice answer only after diverse and rigorous reading. Watching Videos may clear your concept but it will not be beneficial for getting crux of answer writing. I stretched myself with 3 newspapers – Hindu , Indian Express and Livemint + EPW(Subscibed) To Metamorphise myself I wrote my last 6 mains test in 2 days at VisionIAS test center, Karol Bagh. Never skipped any Mains question of IASBABA.   Books followed: History – NCERT Old (Ancient and Modern history), Spectrum(Modern), Nitin Singhania (Culture), Tamil Nadu (Ancient). Economics – 11th& 12th NCERT + Diverse Online Sources, IASBABA notes Environment – Shankar IAS, IASBABA notes, Moef annual report + Online Sources Geography – All NCERTs + Online Sources Polity – Laxmikanth + B L Fadia + Legalserviceindia website(this is boon for Pol. Science optional) Science & Tech – IASBABA notes Current Affairs – VisionIAS + IASBABA   For Political Science and International Relations   When I started with my preparation for CSE in Nov-2015, my plan was to write this examination with Mechanical Engineering as Optional. As my background was technical and I had interest in mechanical so this decision was easy to make. But when I solved the mocks of mechanical engineering in Feb-2016 after studying for 3 months for this optional my all beliefs eroded. Meanwhile I saw a motivational video of Varun Kumar (IAS) where he emphasized that how he completed his optional (PSIR) in just 3 months. I decided that Political Science will be the one I will go forwards. I researched on internet and found Shubra Ranjan Mam. But I was late and coaching was not possible. So I took ND Arora – a book of Political Science where syllabus wise content is given. I took help from it but never relied on its content. It can guide you about where to go and what to study but only reading this book is a sin. I purchased Notes of Shubra Ranjan mam and all standard books for the optional. Andrew Heywood as a name looks scary but this book is easier than any other Indian author. Books referred: Political Theory – Andrew Heywood + O P Gauba + Wiki Western Political Thoughts – Nelson + Wiki + Scholarly articles Indian Political Thinkers – Pearson + Internet Paper 1 , Part B – BL Fadia + EPW Magazine + Indian Express + Legalservicesindia + Internet Comparative politics – Ignou Notes(MPS series) + Internet + ND Arora World Focus MEA Websites + ASEAN Website + IDSA India’s World on RS TV+ BIG Picture PAX Indica by Shashi Tharoor Global Politics – Andrew Heywood Oxford Handbook on Indian Foreign Policy Shubra Ranjan Mam Notes – Very Important The Wire – Editorial EPW The above books are just a glimpse of what you should read but the actual concepts grasped can be from different sources like I regularly watched and read Ramchandra Guha, Yogendra Yadav, CP Bhambri, Hamza Alawi, Zia Mody etc. Political Science imparted me philosophical mindset which I used in essay writing and got mammoth 156 marks. It also helped in Ethics paper and in paper 2 also. Speed Reading and using the core terms in practical ways can take you distances and you will never forget the things that you will read. Argue with the author while reading his/her article, this will not only give you critical thinking but will also make your decisions bold and mature. Write small cheat notes so that you can revise them before the examination. Every optional for CSE should be covered till the level of masters programme so respect the optional and do appreciate the authors. Plan your strategy and devise your own path. The beauty lies in the mystery and risk. Don’t rely on Coaching centers as they will homogenize you and UPSC wants a unique one from bunch of 15 lakh people, so stop preaching false GOD. Steal every style and methodoly from the toppers and make alloy of it and apply it with full confidence and skills. This examination is all about patience, perseverance and hard work and remember the concept of ESCAPE VELOCITY. You have to attain that escape velocity to crack this examination. Some people attain it in 5yrs  some in 6 months, it totally depends how much pain and brain you are using to bundle up this exam. I got 505 rank with above paraphernalia and things got aligned just because of one thing – Confidence. I was never confused after I went into hardcore mode of reading in Dec-2015. I choose my optional and never regretted, took impossible targets to achieve and tried to achieve by hook or by crook. I punished myself for not achieving the target but at the same time I also appreciated myself on completed the target. I gave 6 hrs daily while attending my job and Avoided sleep by drinking gallons of Coffee, stole time in office to read. I was sure that I will make it out, and only because of this I acted accordingly. There is a social construct that prevails among innocent Civils aspirants that you cannot crack this exam in 1st attempt while in job and that too in just 1 yr of preparation from the scratch. But it is possible, Humans are beyond any measurement and limitation. I Prepared my Optional Without Coaching and in a time frame of 4 months. Which construes that we cannot gauge our capabilities without giving our best. For those who are trying to crack this mighty exam, I exhort you all to not just try – Give all you have to it just for once. It’s better to be in isolation for one year than to swivel as pendulum in dichotomy of Fun & Study for many years. Isolation is a gift which tests you endurance. You are beyond any calculation and can do and witness miracle. All you have to do is to just crack the essence of this exam, only then you can crack this exam. Respect your age, its magnificent and Don’t just slog this precious period with Youngster angst into UPSC Civils. This glorious period will never come again and even if you crack this exam after 4-5 attempts  you will feel after some time that the splendid hormonal outburst of you stifled under the burden of Books of Civil Services. So give an honest attempt with all the force you have in you. Achieve the impossible and don’t beat your chest because you are surrounded by Naysayers. Show them your breed. You can do it because Asaan Hai. Thank You Pawan K Pal              


IASbaba Press Information Bureau (PIB) - 12th June to 18th June , 2017

IASbaba Press Information Bureau 12th June to 18th June 2017 ARCHIVES GS-1 National Mission on Cultural Mapping of India (Topic: Salient features of Indian Society, Diversity of India.) What: This Mission is part of the ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat’ umbrella. Ministry of Culture launched it in the year of commemoration of the birth centenary of Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay. Aim Converting the vast and widespread cultural canvas of India into an objective cultural map Designing a mechanism to fulfil the aspirations of the whole artist community of the nation Preserving the rich cultural heritage of this country in the form of a cultural repository of artists and art forms The Mission also seeks to open a direct channel of communication of artists with the Government and peer to peer communication among artists for talent honing and handholding of each other. The Cultural Mapping of India portal will serve as a repository/consolidated database of information about cultural assets and resources i.e. a cultural inventory at one place for essential planning, sustainable economic development and for preserving the scattered and near extinct art forms. GS-2 Anuyatra (Topics: Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation.) What: it is an initiative by by the Government of Kerala under its “Anuyatra” - or walking together campaign - for the persons with special needs. It has been observed that A majority of the persons with special needs reside in rural areas where accessibility, availability, and utilization of rehabilitation services and its cost-effectiveness are the major issues to be considered. A UN supported survey had estimated that- 1.67% of the population in the age bracket 0-19 has special needs and that 35.29% of all people living with special needs are children. India has about 12 million children with special needs but only 1% of such children have access to school. In 1978, India had signed on to the Alma Ata declaration on Public health which stated that comprehensive primary health care should include promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative care. It was the first international declaration underlining the importance of primary health care. Now Alma Ata is called Almaty. Atal Pension Yojana under Aadhar (Topics: Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation.) What: Atal Pension Yojana (APY) has now been included under the Section 7 of the Aadhaar Act. As per it, any individual who is eligible to receive benefits under the APY will have to furnish proof of possession of Aadhaar number or undergo enrollment under Aadhaar authentication. Why: to bring in transparency, efficiency and to enable beneficiaries to get their entitlement directly in a convenient and seamless manner. Also, Aadhaar card has been constituted as the primary document in identification of the beneficiary under the Aadhaar Act which came into effect from 12th September 2016. Atal Pension Yojana It is a government backed pension scheme in India targeted at the unorganised sector. The minimum age of joining APY is 18 years and maximum age is 40 years. Under the APY, guaranteed minimum pension of Rs. 1,000/-, 2,000/-, 3,000/-, 4,000 and 5,000/- per month will be given at the age of 60 years depending on the contributions by the subscribers. APY subscribers’ base is more than 54 Lakhs subscribers. Atal Pension Yojana (APY) can now be subscribed digitally Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) has now introduced “APY@eNPS” which involves a complete digital enrolment process. ANUGA (Topic: Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests) It stands for Allgemeine Nahrungs Und Genußmittel Ausstellung ( General Food and Non essential Provisions Exhibition) It is world’s biggest and most important trade fair for Food and beverage trade It takes place biennially and ANUGA 2017 is 34th edition ANUGA is the leading export platform with 7,189 exhibitors from 109 countries with over 85% of Exhibitors from abroad. Ministry of Commerce & Industry and Ministry of Food Processing Industry are jointly sponsoring this Indian branding at ANUGA, 2017. India is a partner country of ANUGA 2017. Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS) (Topic: Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and States and the performance of these schemes; mechanisms, laws, institutions and Bodies constituted for the protection and betterment of these vulnerable sections.) What: Ministry of Tribal Affairs has actively initiated various efforts during the last three years to make more EMRS. Eklavya Model Residential School Scheme was started in 1998 and first school was started in the year 2000 in Maharashtra. EMRSs have been functioning as institutions of excellence for tribal students. Results of these schools have been generally better than other Government schools in the tribal areas. In order to further educational opportunities for more ST children, Government seeks to extend the facility of EMRSs in all the 672 Blocks where ST population is more than 50% of the total population in a span of next five years. As per existing EMRS Guidelines of 2010, at least one EMRS is to be set up in each Integrated Tribal Development Agency (ITDA) / Integrated Tribal Development Project (ITDP) having 50% ST population in the area. Intensified Diarrhoea Control Fortnight (IDCF) (Topics: Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation.) What: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has launched the Intensified Diarrhea Control Fortnight (IDCF) in order to intensify efforts to reduce child deaths due to diarrhoea. The Ministry has made it a national priority to bring health outcomes among children to a level equitable with the rest of the world. Through this initiative, the Ministry will mobilize health personnel, State Governments and other stakeholders to prioritize investment in control of diarrhea, one of the most common childhood illnesses. Aim- to create mass awareness about the most effective and low-cost diarrhoea treatment— a combination of Oral Rehydration Salt (ORS) solution and Zinc tablets. Almost all the deaths due to diarrhoea can be averted by preventing and treating dehydration by use of ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution), administration of Zinc tablets along with adequate nutritional intake by the child. Diarrhoea can be prevented with safe drinking water, sanitation, breastfeeding/appropriate nutrition and hand-washing. Other preventive and promotive interventions include Vitamin A supplementation, promoting early initiation of breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months etc. Besides this, introduction of Rotavirus vaccine under UIP will also help in reducing diarrhoea mortality due to rotavirus disease. International Labour Conference, 2017 (Topic: Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests) What: The 106th Session of International Labour Conference (ILC) was held from 5-16th June 2017. Here, India expressed satisfaction over growing coherence between SDGs and agenda of ILO and other UN reforms, commitment for a safe, healthy and happy future for children and also furthering of the commitment to provide social security for 450 million workforce in the informal sector. India has reaffirmed its commitment for promoting the welfare of the workers in and outside the country including promoting their skill development and protecting their rights. India’s participation In a historic step towards eradication of Child Labour from the country, India ratified International Labour Organization’s Convention No 138 (minimum age for employment) International Labour Organization’s Convention No 182 (worst forms of child labour) This is to symbolise its commitment and initiatives for eradication of child labour and attainment of Sustainable Development Goal 8.7 related with curbing of child labour. With ratification of these two core ILO conventions, India has ratified 6 out of 8 core ILO conventions, with the other 4 core ILO conventions relating to abolition of forced labour, equal remuneration and no discrimination between men and women in employment and occupation. Ramifications of the India’s ratification of ILO conventions Almost all children (99%) in the world are covered by Convention 182 Coverage of Convention 138 enhanced from approximately 60 percent to almost 80% of the world’s children population Meeting the objectives of child labour free society Enactment of the Child labour (Prohibition and Prevention) amendment Act, 2016 in August 2016 that provides for complete prohibition on employment of children below 14 years in all occupations and processes and prohibits employment of adolescents (14-18 years) in hazardous occupations and processes. The age of admission to employment has been linked to the age of compulsory education under Right to Education Act (RTE), 2009 To remove all ambiguities a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is being framed for all stakeholders particularly, enforcing agencies and this would be supported by IT Platform “PENCIL” which has components ensuring enforcement of the Act, mechanism for redressal of complaints, child tracking system and a monitoring mechanism. National Child Labour Project (NCLP) which is a rehabilitative scheme for child and adolescent labour has been aligned with changes in the Act. GS-3 ATGM Nag What: The Anti-Tank Guided Missile Nag was successfully flight tested in desert ranges of Rajasthan. The Fire and Forget 3rd generation ATGM Nag is incorporated with many advanced technologies It includes Imaging Infrared Radar (IIR) Seeker with integrated avionics Developed by DRDO to support both mechanised infantry and airborne forces of the Indian Army. The missile incorporates an advanced passive homing guidance system and possesses high single-shot kill probability. It is designed to destroy modern main battle tanks and other heavily armoured targets. Nag can be launched from land and air-based platforms. The land version is currently available for integration on the Nag missile carrier (NAMICA). The helicopter-launched configuration, designated as helicopter-launched NAG (HELINA), can be fired from Dhruv advanced light helicopter (ALH) and HAL Rudra (ALH WSI) attack helicopter. Integrated guided missile development programme (IGMDP) Nag missile is part of Minsitry of Defence’s IGMDP Four other missiles are also being developed under it- Agni, Akash, Trishul and Prithvi Some DRDO key achievements in 2014-17 are Tejas fighters Airborne Early Warning and Control System (AEW&C) System Akash Weapon System SONAR systems Varunastra Torpedo Bharani Weapon Locating Radar (WLR) Nuclear Biological Chemical (NBC) Recce Vehicle AGNI-V, Long Range Surface to Air Missile (LRSAM) Medium Range Surface to Air Missile (MRSAM) NAG Advanced Towed Array Gun (ATAG) Wheeled Armoured platform (WhAP) RUSTOM-II MALE Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and more… PUR Track (Topic: Inclusive growth and issues arising from it.) What: they are an all-weather running track of polyurethane. Polyurethane (PUR and PU) is a polymer composed of organic units joined by carbamate (urethane) links. While most polyurethanes are thermosetting polymers that do not melt when heated, thermoplastic polyurethanes are also available. Areas of usage- Polyurethanes are used in the manufacture of high-resilience foam seating, rigid foam insulation panels, microcellular foam seals and gaskets, durable elastomeric wheels and tires (such as roller coaster, escalator, shopping cart, elevator, and skateboard wheels), automotive suspension bushings, electrical potting compounds, high performance adhesives, surface coatings and surface sealants, synthetic fibers (e.g., Spandex), carpet underlay, hard-plastic parts (e.g., for electronic instruments), condoms and hoses. In news: PM inaugurated USHA School of Athletics which has PUR track. Sports is closely linked with the human resource development of a society. Some ancient sports of India Kuttiyumkolum- Kerala (Similar as Gilly Danda of north) Kalaripayattu- Kerala Sagol Kangjei ( Polo )- Manipur Asol Aap ( Canoe Race )- nicobar Asol - Tale Aap ( Canoe Race on sand )- Nicobar Dhopkhel- Assam Gella – Chutt- Tripura You can visit for information http://sports.indiapress.org/ There is a need to ensure that traditional games do not lose their popularity. Indigenous games too must be promoted as they have evolved organically from our own way of life. A programme ‘Khelo India’ has been launched where competitions will be held in various disciplines from the School and college level to the National level.  Focus will be on identifying talent and then nurture it by providing support.

IASbaba's Toppers Strategy Rank 141 NITESH PANDEY, Clears UPSC IAS in his Last Attempt!

Hello Friends Its a great feeling to share when one of our students cracks UPSC with such a good rank. Nitesh was a very sincere follower of our platform and had been very consistently following TLP and other initiatives. And what better if one achieves a great rank in his last attempt. This proves that consistency and patience play a vital role in ones success. Read it from the man himself! My name is Nitesh Pandey. I have done my Electrical Engineering from IIT Madras and completed it in 2008.  I have been working in the private sector in solar power for the past few years. Being from the family of an IAS officer, it's been my childhood dream to be a civil servant. I have been trying to crack civil services for past few years. Finally in my last attempt, I have secured a rank of 141. This was the first attempt in which I gave interview. My optional is psychology. It has been a long, grueling journey with lots of hard work, pain, failures and finally success and joy. Mistakes made in earlier attempt I tried to cover too many things for various topics. The preparation was inefficient and little bit disorganized. This took a toll on my revision and somewhere in order to cover so much, I missed most crucial aspects of an issue, what some call as "bulls eye". I didn't give adequate attention to answer writing. Essay was a weak area. It requires practise which I didn't do. Things which I did differently in this attempt I had focussed on making concise notes especially for very important topics, even if this was not possible I would at least mark important words or phrases(bulls eye). It is important that in each answer we do mention the core of the question and for that being thorough with the "bulls eye" of each topic is important. I had written lots of answers by joining test series and writing on iasbaba. An important aspect of my strategy for answer writing and covering current affairs has been relying on multiple sources. As a result, there is constant revision and also one comes to know and feel what is the most important topic as these get repeated in multiple sources. However, this is only advisable if one has enough time or has some base because of previous attempts. I had practised over ten essays before mains. Role of iasbaba IASbaba is a complete package. I had referred to its daily news analysis and gist of pib and Rajya Sabha videos extensively. This helped in covering the most important topics of current affairs more comprehensively. For writing practise, the Think Learn and Perform (TLP) proved to be a great boon. It consists of quality questions and regularly practising them and then peer review helped me in improving my answer writing skills. Further even when I was not able to answer the questions, I would at least refer to the mock solutions given by iasbaba. These solutions would give a 360 degree view of the question and this would help me in refining my knowledge base. In the mains GS papers this year, few questions had direct linkage to TLP questions. For prelims, I religiously followed 60 day plan and daily quizzes given by iasbaba and this helped in systematically revising the syllabus. Here again, many questions asked in prelims were linked to iasbaba questions. Though I didn't join the ILP programmed but I did refer to economics notes given under ILP (I borrowed it from a friend of mine) and I must say the quality of material was superb. Everything required in order to cover a topic was there in the notes and it was presented in very interactive factor making the material very interesting. The ILP would especially be helpful for aspirants who have just started preparing for the exam, as everything required for GS is provided in it and that too in a very easy, simple understandable manner. Writing from my experience I can say that, in initial years covering such a vast syllabus of GS from a variety of sources can prove to be a big challenge as it can be overwhelming, confusing and disorganized and still all the handwork may turn not yield desired results. ILP saves time, energy and for those preparing from small towns, it provides quality material in a cost effective manner which can be accessed from the comfort of one's home. Some words of advice The process of preparation for civil services can be very long, difficult, painful for many. So before entering the journey, please be prepared to do real hard work, have lots of courage, perseverance and patience. One should be totally dedicated to the goal and it is also necessary the aspirants carry out smart, organized studies. These days so much material is available on the internet and in the Delhi and so many suggestions of "how to succeed in IAS" that it becomes incumbent on the aspirants to be very discerning, intelligent about what to do. They should remember there is no "one size fits all" strategy and each aspirant should evolve their own way of doing things. Thanks Nitesh Pandey AIR 141  

Motivational Articles

Creative Guidance – How Much is Enough – Inspirational & Educative Articles

How Much is Enough: How far are we willing to travel to find our true meaning and purpose in life? How many times are we willing to fail to get what we want? How much are we willing to sacrifice for that one single most important goal of ours? How much of focus is required to succeed? How much of pain one needs to endure before experiencing joy and happiness? One of the most difficult questions to answer about our lives is 'How Much'. Everybody has a desire to succeed, find true love, experience real happiness and live a great life. But what most people are simply unaware of is how much of effort is needed to get what we want. Very few people truly comprehend and understand 'How Much', most others simply fall short of what is required. If we look at people who are working hard to find their meaning, purpose and true identity in the world, we see that most of them are very sincere in their attempts. In fact people are so sincere in their efforts that they rarely question the 'How Much' aspect of their efforts. They simply blindly believe that they are doing enough just because they think that they are sincere in their efforts. Understanding the 'How Much' aspect of what we are doing is more of a science than anything else. The only way to really understand the nature of our efforts and our sincerity to it is by scientifically and objectively looking at our efforts from a third party perspective. The best way to know if our efforts are enough is by stepping away from personal involvement and just looking at the efforts and results neutrally beyond the prejudices of the ego. We all know how a fresh look and a new perspective can lend the most needed solutions to our problems. It is the same with understanding the 'How Much' aspect of what we are doing. Every step of the way we should be able to step away and look at our efforts as if we were analyzing someone else's efforts. It really helps to learn the art of stepping away to get a better look at our efforts. Some of the most successful people in the world have always figured out a way of looking at their lives from a third party perspective. They have figured out a way of seeing things by keeping their personal desires, preferences and their egos aside. The moment one is able to step away from their emotional involvement and look at things simplistically and practically, everything begins to fall in place. It is absolutely imperative that one learns to constantly reflect and contemplate on the 'How Much' aspect of their efforts. The easiest way to do this is by objectively looking at efforts. This is probably one of the most important skills needed to be able to make the necessary adjustments, to really understand if what they are doing and how much they are doing is really enough. “The articles are a copyright of The Ahamo Movement and IASBABA.”