IASbaba's Flagship Course: Integrated Learning Programme (ILP) - 2024  Read Details

Published on Jan 23, 2021
TLP Mains Answer Writing
IASbaba’s TLP (Phase 1 – ENGLISH & हिंदी): UPSC Mains Answer Writing – ESSAY [23rd JANUARY,2021] – Day 12


Hello Friends,

Welcome to IASbaba’s TLP (Phase 1 – ENGLISH & हिंदी): UPSC Mains Answer Writing – ESSAY [23rd JANUARY,2021] – Day 12

We will make sure, in the next 100 days not a single day is wasted and your mains preparation is solidified. All your energies are channelized in the right direction. Trust us! This will make a huge difference in your results this time, provided that you follow this plan sincerely every day without fail.

Gear up and Make the Best Use of this initiative.

We are giving 5 Mains Questions on a daily basis so that every student can actively participate and keep your preparation focused.

Do remember that, “the difference between Ordinary and EXTRA-Ordinary is PRACTICE!!”

To Know More about the Initiative -> CLICK HERE


1. The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same.  सफलता की राह और असफलता का रास्ता लगभग एक जैसा ही होता है।
2. A leader is a dealer in hope. एक नेता आशाओं का सौदागर होता है।
3. Why can’t India emulate the Chinese model for economic success?  आर्थिक सफलता के लिए भारत चीनी मॉडल का अनुकरण क्यों नहीं कर सकता?
4. Social justice is unimaginable without economic justice.  आर्थिक न्याय के बिना सामाजिक न्याय अकल्पनीय है।