IASbaba's Flagship Course: Integrated Learning Programme (ILP) - 2024  Read Details

Published on Jun 19, 2018
VERY IMPORTANT UPDATE- REGARDING HINDI MEDIUM-IASbaba’s Integrated Learning Programme (ILP)- 2019
Hello Friends, 

Few days before we announced about our Integrated Learning Programme, ILP-2019. We had promised to provide all the Prelims GS and CSAT Tests in both English and Hindi.

Since then we have received hundreds of emails requesting us to provide something more for Hindi medium aspirant. We understand that there is a dearth of quality guidance for our Hindi medium aspirants who have to work really hard for quality content development. Looking at their enthusiasm to be part of ILP-2019 and our resource capacity we hereby announce the following assistance to be given under ILP-2019 for Hindi medium aspirants. 

  1. Prelims General Studies Tests and its detailed solution-Hindi Medium
  2. CSAT Tests and its detailed solution- Hindi Medium
  3. Mains Mocks and its detailed synopsis in Hindi Medium. 

Kindly note that, apart of above three mentioned things, all other things will strictly be in English only. Kindly read the details carefully before joining the programme.

Slowly we are trying to provide the best possible support for Hindi Medium aspirants depending on the availability of resources at our end. We request all Hindi Medium aspirants to spread the word and let fellow aspirants preparing from Hindi medium also get benefitted from this programme.


  P.S- All India Prelims Test Series-2019, details will be announced on Thursday  Thank You IASbaba